Lake Flyer News

Chorale & Treble Choir; tomorrow we are working…

Chorale & Treble Choir; tomorrow we are working…

Chorale & Treble Choir; tomorrow we are working…

02/17/2025 6:41 PML.H.S. Chorale, Treble Choir

Chorale & Treble Choir; tomorrow we are working with Dr Schnipke from BGSU.  Please get to glass on time and review all of your music prior to rehearsal! It’s going to be a great experience!! 

Weekly recap ~ Feb 10th

Weekly recap ~ Feb 10th

Weekly recap ~ Feb 10th

02/17/2025 6:37 PMMrs. Lesher K24

We had a busy but shorter week. We continue to work on the last few letters of the alphabet reviewing their sounds and using those sounds to read words. In math, we worked on adding and subtracting within 5.  The students seem to understand how to add and subtract, but they do not always pay attention to the sign in the equation. 

Valentine's Day was an event! I hope everyone's boxes and goodies made it home ~ those boxes were stuffed!  We took the morning to visit all of the other Kindergarten classrooms and participated in some fun Valentine themed activities. In the afternoon, we created a class book about things we love and created a yummy treat.

As of right now, as I write this, the 100th day will be on Friday Feb 21st.  Remember that any money re days off will continue to move it one day. Specials are also changed by one day. Next week our specials are: Library, Music, P.E., and Art.

We will be working on ways to make 6 and 7 in math and taking a reading test this week. We will review rhyming and keep working on segmenting and blending three letter words.

Midterm information came home Friday. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out. We can try and schedule a conference if needed.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!




02/17/2025 3:37 PMMrs. G's 3rd Grade Flyers 24-25

The class earned a BINGO last week and voted on a reward. "Bring in a stuffed animal or small toy" received the most votes. We will celebrate with this reward tomorrow. Stuffed animals and toys MUST fit in your kiddo's backpack. Let me know if you have any questions. 

Week of 2/17

Week of 2/17

Week of 2/17

02/17/2025 3:18 PMMrs. Wagner's Class 24/25

Here's a quick look at the week.  Everyone will be on regular spelling words with the short week.  Our 100th Day is now February 21st.

Monday - NO SCHOOL

Tuesday - library (remember your library book)

Wednesday - art

Thursday - music

Friday - STEM, 100th Day, banana split, spelling test


2/25 Spring Pictures

3/3-3/6 Read Across America Week

Peek at the week

Peek at the week

Peek at the week

02/17/2025 3:06 PMMrs. Marchetto's 24-25 Kinder…

Special schedule:

Tuesday- music

Wednesday- gym

Thursday- art

Friday- music

Add sight words they and was to your word ring.

100th day of school will now be this Friday as long as we do not have anymore cancelations. Wear your 100th day t-shirt on Friday.

Attached are pictures of us working on addition and subtraction centers, and working on building sentences from an online platform from our reading series. 

Homework reminder

Homework reminder

Homework reminder

02/17/2025 10:22 AMFrench 2 - Period 4, French 2…

French 2,

      A quick reminder that there was homework assigned last Wednesday which is due tomorrow because school was canceled on Thursday. Some of you have completed it, but most of you still need to turn it in. See you tomorrow!

Mr. Lake

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

02/17/2025 8:00 AMEvent Alerts - Daily
ES Calendar
Lake Elementary

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

02/17/2025 8:00 AMEvent Alerts - Daily
LMS Calendar
Lake Middle School

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

02/17/2025 8:00 AMEvent Alerts - Daily
Lake High School Events
Lake High School
02/17/2025 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

02/17/2025 8:00 AMEvent Alerts - Daily
District Events
Lake Local Schools

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

02/16/2025 5:00 PMEvent Alerts - Weekly
ES Calendar
Lake Elementary
ES Calendar
Lake Elementary
02/18/2025 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
ES Calendar
1- Le Cafenesium 150
02/19/2025 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

02/16/2025 5:00 PMEvent Alerts - Weekly
LMS Calendar
Lake Middle School

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

02/16/2025 5:00 PMEvent Alerts - Weekly
Lake High School Events
Lake High School
02/17/2025 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

02/16/2025 5:00 PMEvent Alerts - Weekly
District Events
Lake Local Schools
District Events
2- Hs Student Success Center 30
02/20/2025 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Join with Google Meet:
Or dial: (US) +1 443-507-8782 PIN: 342790524#
Learn more about Meet at:

From Mrs Recker!!

From Mrs Recker!!

From Mrs Recker!!

02/15/2025 7:51 PMThe Addams Family

Hello Addams Family Cast!  

You worked HARD today and I am so incredibly proud of the steps you took to make our show better and better!  

Remember to review your music, choreo and blocking over the next couple days, but also take some time for yourself to recharge your batteries and be ready as we continue to move forward.

Remember: Good, Better, Best.  Never let it rest.  Until your Good is BETTER, and your Better is the BEST!!!

Final Pep Band tonight!

Final Pep Band tonight!

Final Pep Band tonight!

02/15/2025 2:19 PMDrumline, Lake High School Band

Reminder: our final pep band of the year is tonight! Come on out and play for our boys bball team one last time! 6:30p call time for those that are signed up or looking for extra credit!

Weekly Update 2-14-25

Weekly Update 2-14-25

Weekly Update 2-14-25

02/15/2025 1:15 PMMrs. Katz's Kindergarten 2024…

Hi everyone!  I hope you all had a nice Valentine’s Day yesterday!  We had a busy, fun-filled day at school.  In the morning, we rotated through all of the kindergarten classrooms to do some fun Valentine’s Day activities.  In Mrs. Maguire’s room, the kids got to do yoga, dancing, and Valentine’s Would You Rather.  In Mrs. Greenlese’s room, the kids got to do some Valentine’s Day coloring.  In Mrs. Marchetto’s room, the kids made heart-shaped bracelets with beads and pipe cleaners.  In Mrs. Brown’s room, the kids got to build with candy conversation hearts.  In Mrs. Lesher’s room, they made a torn paper art project.  Finally, we played Valentine’s Day bingo in our room!  In the afternoon we did Foodie Fun Friday by making a “love parfait” with pink Cool Whip, crushed Oreos, and Valentine’s Day sprinkles.  The kids also passed out their valentines and got to play.  I’ve attached some pictures from the day for you to enjoy!

Here is some other important information I wanted to share:

1. Something very exciting happened this week - we uncovered our last sound on our sound wall!  At the beginning of the year, every single sound was covered and as we learned each letter and now “hunk and chunk”, we uncovered them.  As we learn new sight words, we talk about their beginning sound and decide where they should be hung on the sound wall.  The kids were pretty excited to take that last cover down and see just how much we have learned so far this year.  We will continue to use this sound knowledge to become stronger readers and writers!  

2. Due to the calamity day on Thursday, our 100th day celebration will be held next Friday, February 21st.  If you are planning on making a 100th day shirt for your child, please have him or her wear it next Friday.

3. It’s hard to believe it, but we are midway through 3rd quarter already!  A student report was sent home in each child’s folder yesterday so you can see where your child is performing on our most important skills.  Please make sure you are practicing counting by 1 with your child if he or she cannot count to at least 75 yet.  By the end of the year, students should be able to count by 1 to 100.  If you would like flashcards to practice sight words, please let me know and I will print some out for you!

4. Due to the two calamity days this month, our specials calendar is now 2 days off.  We will have music on Tuesday.

5. There is NO SCHOOL this Monday, February 17th in honor of Presidents' Day.

Enjoy your 3-day weekend, and as always, thank you for all of your support!

Feb 15

Feb 15

Feb 15

02/15/2025 8:37 AMThe Addams Family

With the weather today if you or your caretakers do not feel comfortable with you coming into rehursal at all, of if you decide to come into late, this is totally acceptable. Please just let us know in the form.

Valentines fun

Valentines fun

Valentines fun

02/15/2025 7:13 AMMrs. Marchetto's 24-25 Kinder…

Pictures from yesterday's fun. We played bingo, built with conversation hearts, danced, made a valentine, and a bracelet. Also attached our pictures of our boxes and a picture of 2 friends dressed the same. The final picture is from the basketballgame where for of our girls cheered!.




02/14/2025 5:40 PMMrs. Brown - K

We had so much fun celebrating Valentine’s Day today! We ate a yummy snack mix, graphed candy hearts, and visited the other Kindergarten classrooms. During our rotation we made torn paper hearts, played Bingo, did dance breaks, colored, and made bracelets! We enjoyed passing out our Valentine’s and checking out each others Valentine’s Day boxes. So creative 🤩 

We didn’t get through everyone’s hearts today..we will finish on Tuesday! If you haven’t sent one in yet please send it on Tuesday! 

There is no school on Monday. Tuesday we will have library. Enjoy the long weekend ☺️




02/14/2025 3:16 PMMrs. Greenlese

Happy Valentine’s Day from Mrs. Greenlese’s class! 💜

Here are some pictures from our Valentine’s Day…

Here are some pictures from our Valentine’s Day…

Here are some pictures from our Valentine’s Day…

02/14/2025 3:16 PMWitt 2024-2025

Here are some pictures from our Valentine’s Day party!! 

Feb 14- reminders

Feb 14- reminders

Feb 14- reminders

02/14/2025 2:29 PMMrs. Thal's Math/Science Clas…

NO HW! Thank you for all the wonderful treats that were sent in today! The students really enjoyed their day. WOW we had some creative VDAY boxes! NO SCHOOL MONDAY due to President's Day! See you all Tuesday.

Happy Valentine’s Day from room 511!

Happy Valentine’s Day from room 511!

Happy Valentine’s Day from room 511!

02/14/2025 2:06 PMMrs. Jones-4th Grade ELA-2024/25

Happy Valentine’s Day from room 511!!!

Music Boosters Meeting; Tuesday at 6:30 pm.

Music Boosters Meeting; Tuesday at 6:30 pm.

Music Boosters Meeting; Tuesday at 6:30 pm.

02/14/2025 2:00 PM6th Grade Choir, BEGINNING CH…

Hello Parents, Family and Friends of the Lake Music Dept.  Come join us for the Lake Music Boosters Meeting THIS COMING TUESDAY, February 18th at 6:30 pm to help support our Lake Flyer Music Students!  All meetings for the remainder of the year will be held in the HS Media Center.

Music Boosters Meeting; Tuesday at 6:30 pm

Music Boosters Meeting; Tuesday at 6:30 pm

Music Boosters Meeting; Tuesday at 6:30 pm

02/14/2025 2:00 PMBass Choir, JET SET SHOW CHOI…

Hello Parents, Family and Friends of the Lake Music Dept.  Come join us for the Lake Music Boosters Meeting THIS COMING TUESDAY, February 18th at 6:30 pm to help support our Lake Flyer Music Students!  All meetings for the remainder of the year will be held in the HS Media Center.

Booster meeting Tuesday at 6:30! Come and atten…

Booster meeting Tuesday at 6:30! Come and atten…

Booster meeting Tuesday at 6:30! Come and atten…

02/14/2025 11:51 AMDrumline, Lake 5th Grade Band…

Booster meeting Tuesday at 6:30! Come and attend to help support our music students! All meetings for the rest of the year will be held in the HS Media Center

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

02/14/2025 8:00 AMEvent Alerts - Daily
ES Calendar
Lake Elementary
ES Calendar
Lake Elementary
ES Calendar
Lake Elementary

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

02/14/2025 8:00 AMEvent Alerts - Daily
LMS Calendar
Lake Middle School

Hey Treble Singers…REMEMBER!

Hey Treble Singers…REMEMBER!

Hey Treble Singers…REMEMBER!

02/13/2025 8:18 PML.H.S. Chorale, Treble Choir

Hey Treble Choir & Treble voices! 

Please remember that we have a combined rehearsal during 6th period tomorrow!! 

Tomorrow is also our last National Anthem performance for the Basketball season!  Wear your Choir shirt and be ready to warm up and go at 6:30!  

Mrs R 

Valentine's Day Reminder

Valentine's Day Reminder

Valentine's Day Reminder

02/13/2025 1:17 PMMrs. Katz's Kindergarten 2024…

Hi everyone!  I just wanted to send a reminder to please have your child bring his or her Valentine's Day box and valentines to school tomorrow.  Your child should just write his or her name on the valentines and not each individual student's name.  This makes passing out valentines much easier as the kids can just put one valentine in each box without having to match names to boxes.  Also, if you haven't sent in your completed pink heart with statements about why you love your child, please make sure to send those in tomorrow!!!  I want to make sure every child has something for me to read to the class.  It truly does make their day.

Also, due to today's calamity day, our 100th day of school is now next Friday, February 21st.  Our specials are now two days off from the calendar I sent home this month and we will have art tomorrow.

Stay warm and I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!

Tomorrow (2/14)

Tomorrow (2/14)

Tomorrow (2/14)

02/13/2025 1:14 PMWitt 2024-2025

Good afternoon,

Tomorrow we will still have our math test, spelling test, and grammar test! After that we will make our Valentine’s Day bags and have our party. 

Have a great day! 

Rehearsal today, Thursday, February 13th!

Rehearsal today, Thursday, February 13th!

Rehearsal today, Thursday, February 13th!

02/13/2025 11:55 AMThe Addams Family

We are able to have rehearsal today from 3:30-6:30

If you are unable to attend please fill out this form!

Also if you cannot attend, you need to practice at home!

Tonight’s Game Is ON

Tonight’s Game Is ON

Tonight’s Game Is ON

02/13/2025 11:06 AMLady Flyers Basketball

Tonight’s Sectional Final at Oak Harbor is ON as scheduled, with a 6p tip. Tickets can be purchased online at or at the door.

Players be at the school and on the court by 3:45p for a quick shootaround before we leave. Be sure to get up and move around today, and eat a good meal before you leave! 

❤️ Friday 2/14 ❤️

❤️ Friday 2/14 ❤️

❤️ Friday 2/14 ❤️

02/13/2025 11:05 AMMrs. Brown - K

Tomorrow we will celebrate Valentine’s Day! Please make sure your child brings in their Valentine box or bag to hold all of their Valentine’s. 

We have 21 students in our class. Please send in a Valentine for each student. Your child only needs to write who they are from not who they are for. 

With today’s cancellation our 100th day of school will now be on February 21st (unless we have another closure). 

Enjoy our Super Bowl graph & our Mystery Reader from last week! We enjoyed the fun stories Ace’s mom read to us! 

Friday, February 14th 2025

Friday, February 14th 2025

Friday, February 14th 2025

02/14/2025 2:30 PMMrs. Hamilton's 4th grade mat…

Happy Valentine's Day! Students completed a review for unit 10 today in math class.  Unit 10 test will be on Tuesday, February 18th.  There will be homework this weekend in the classroom workbook pages 93, 94, and 95 evens only.




02/13/2025 6:56 AMGeneral

Lake Schools are closed today, Thursday, February 13.

Two Hour Delay

Two Hour Delay

Two Hour Delay

02/12/2025 7:01 PMGeneral

Lake Schools will be on a two hour delay tomorrow, Thursday, February 13.




02/12/2025 2:44 PMJET SET SHOW CHOIR

No rehearsal tomorrow due to potential weather issues, 

A message to our ancestors

A message to our ancestors

A message to our ancestors

02/12/2025 1:48 PMThe Addams Family

Dear Ancestors,

As a result of this incoming weather we have told you that the ancestors that you not need to stay for rehearsal today. However this does not mean that you don't have anything to do today. At yesterday's vocal rehearsal, there was some work you were asked to do, please work on that. Take your music home and use the Drive. We have said it before and I will say it again, this show will not be as amazing as it can be if you don't spend time outside of practice working on your music. We are only as strong as our weakest link.

Practice 2/12

Practice 2/12

Practice 2/12

02/12/2025 12:53 PMLady Flyers Basketball

Practice today will be cut short due to the anticipated weather and will now end by 5p. It is requested by the school to have players headed home by 5p so please make arrangements to have rides home ready to pick players up at 5.

As of this moment, everything for tomorrow is on as planned for our Sectional Final at Oak Harbor. Decisions for that game will be made pending the outcome of today/tonight's weather, but plan on everything as scheduled until conditions are evaluated tomorrow. 




02/12/2025 12:30 PMThe Addams Family

Wednesday, Feb 12th

Rehearsal today is principals ONLY! It will run 3:30-5:00 in the choir room. 

Our trip to South Pacific tonight unfortunately has been canceled, if you were signed up for the trip please check your email for more information.

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

02/12/2025 8:00 AMEvent Alerts - Daily
Lake High School Events
1- Hs Conference Rm 12
02/12/2025 11:19 AM - 11:38 AM
Use the attached sign up sheet to reserve your spot!

Quiz tomorrow

Quiz tomorrow

Quiz tomorrow

02/11/2025 3:30 PMFrench 2 - Period 4, French 2…

French 2,

     Please don't forget that you have a quiz tomorrow. Bring your books home and make sure you study that vocabulary.

Mr. Lake

Library Tomorrow

Library Tomorrow

Library Tomorrow

02/13/2025 3:00 PMMrs. Lawniczak's 3rd Grade 24-25

We have library tomorrow! Please make sure your 3rd grader brings any library books to school to return tomorrow.

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

02/09/2025 5:00 PMEvent Alerts - Weekly
LMS Calendar
Lake Middle School

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

02/07/2025 8:00 AMEvent Alerts - Daily
District Events
Lake Local Schools
02/07/2025 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

02/02/2025 5:00 PMEvent Alerts - Weekly
District Events
Lake Local Schools
02/07/2025 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Loading up

Loading up

Loading up

02/01/2025 12:53 PMLMS Cheer

Loading up onto the bus now, we’ll be dropped off by the breezeway in about 15 minutes

Leaving Otsego

Leaving Otsego

Leaving Otsego

01/27/2025 7:26 PMLMS Cheer

Loaded on the bus and headed home, expect up back in about 40 minutes

January Monthly Choir Update

January Monthly Choir Update

January Monthly Choir Update

01/26/2025 1:00 PM6th Grade Choir, BEGINNING CH…
Students, Families & Friends!!  Happy January!
January Choir Update

Be sure to make note of upcoming dates and consider helping with District 1 HS Solo & Ensemble :-)   We host this event here at Lake and it is a great way to display the talents of our young musicians and show our Community that Lake is a GREAT place to be!   

Click here to see what our Lake Music Boosters are working on!

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

01/25/2025 8:00 AMEvent Alerts - Daily
District Events
1- Boe Conference Rm 12
01/25/2025 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Join with Google Meet:
Or dial: (US) +1 508-784-6002 PIN: 726262563#
Learn more about Meet at:

4th Qtr Started

4th Qtr Started

4th Qtr Started

01/23/2025 7:12 PMLMS Cheer

4th quarter of the 8th grade game has started, please plan rides accordingly 

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

01/20/2025 8:00 AMEvent Alerts - Daily
LMS Calendar
Lake Middle School

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

01/20/2025 8:00 AMEvent Alerts - Daily
District Events
Lake Local Schools

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

01/19/2025 5:00 PMEvent Alerts - Weekly
LMS Calendar
Lake Middle School

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

01/19/2025 5:00 PMEvent Alerts - Weekly
District Events
Lake Local Schools

Pick up 2:30

Pick up 2:30

Pick up 2:30

01/18/2025 2:08 PMLMS Cheer

Please come to pick up your cheerleader at the high school at 2:30pm. 

4th Qtr Starting

4th Qtr Starting

4th Qtr Starting

01/15/2025 6:42 PMLMS Cheer

4th qtr of the 8th grade game has started, please plan rides accordingly. 

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

01/15/2025 8:00 AMEvent Alerts - Daily
District Events
2- Hs Student Success Center 30
01/15/2025 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Join with Google Meet:
Or dial: (US) +1 443-507-8782 PIN: 342790524#
Learn more about Meet at:

MS Group Photos

MS Group Photos

MS Group Photos

01/14/2025 10:07 AMBEGINNING CHOIR, Flight Cadet…

Hello  Choir Students and Drama Club Students and Families!

On Thursday they will be taking group pictures for the yearbook.  Choir Students, Please wear or bring your MS Polo  to school for the photo!  The office will make announcements to let you know when to head to the MS Gym. Drama Club students, please wear or bring your t-shirt.

  • MS Choir & MS Show Choir- 12:30pm
  • Drama Club: 1:00pm
  • 6th Grade Choir: 1:15pm

Thank You!

Mrs Recker 

Game over

Game over

Game over

01/13/2025 7:14 PMLMS Cheer

8th grade game has ended and we’re loading onto the bus. We’ll be back at the school in about 15 minutes or so.

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

01/12/2025 5:00 PMEvent Alerts - Weekly
District Events
2- Hs Student Success Center 30
01/15/2025 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Join with Google Meet:
Or dial: (US) +1 443-507-8782 PIN: 342790524#
Learn more about Meet at:

8th Grade Students ONLY!

8th Grade Students ONLY!

8th Grade Students ONLY!

01/06/2025 6:00 PMMiddle School Choir
Hello everyone!

It is time that we start to plan and prepare for our next music trip at Lake Local Schools! If you're receiving this email, you're eligible to travel with us next year (if you're in a music class during the school year - see details below). There will be an informative meeting in January to help answer any and all questions we receive regarding the trip and to pass out paper copies of the attached documents as they're updated.

When: April 12-17, 2026

Where: Orlando (Disney!)

Why? Experience the musical culture of Disney and perform at the Disney Parks (pending approval by Disney). If we are not selected to perform, we will be taking part in a workshop with highly qualified Disney staff.

Students: $1,549 if sleeping 4 per/room.
Chaperones or double occupancy for students: $1,685
Single occupancy (only for chaperones): $1,955
*The cost of the trip can change if multiple people drop out or join the trip - it all depends on the final number of travelers*

WHO is eligible to travel:
Any student in 9th-12th grade band/choirs during the 2025-2026 school year. Failure to take part in a music class will result in removal from trip.
Any adult directly related to a student traveling (this means legal guardians of the child going).

How many people can go?
We are currently accounting for 105-111 travelers. This includes directors, chaperones, AND students.

What if I want to chaperone?
1. You will be required to pass a background check in the months prior to the trip.
2. You will be required to sign a chaperone agreement that states the rules and regulations while in charge of children for our school/community.
3. You will register just like any other traveler but select chaperone.
4. Chaperones are given precedence with age of their child. If we have 25 chaperones but only need 5, we will remove the 5 chaperones with the youngest students since they will have another opportunity to take a trip.

How are we getting there?
A bus. It is how we travel and in the end - it can be grueling. Please only register if you can handle a 22 hour trip on a bus overnight. 

What bussing company are we using?
NOT National Trails from Memphis/Nashville. The company we are using for this trip is a top-rated, professional bussing company. This was a necessary component of the trip after our experience in Memphis/Nashville.

When do we need to register?
You will need to complete full registration no later than 2/1/25. Mark your calendars if you're thinking about it - you don't want to miss out!

The payment schedule and itinerary are attached along with Travelers insurance (we suggest purchasing it), and a way to have donations given as gifts to you kids (maybe for holidays/birthdays?!).

How do we pay for the trip?
You have options!
The first is paying for it in full or over time with payments (see attachment for schedule and amounts). 
FUNDRAISE - we will have fundraisers available for students through the year of making payments in order to help offset the cost of the trip. Last time we went, we had multiple students fundraise the entire cost of the trip ($1,400 the last time we traveled to Orlando).
Donations - see the attached flyer on how to do that.

If you have questions - send them to Mr. Maran or Mrs. Recker and we will answer as we're able to.

Lake Music Department

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

01/06/2025 8:00 AMEvent Alerts - Daily
LMS Calendar
Lake Middle School

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

01/06/2025 8:00 AMEvent Alerts - Daily
District Events
Lake Local Schools

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

01/05/2025 5:00 PMEvent Alerts - Weekly
LMS Calendar
Lake Middle School

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

Here's what's happening this week…

01/05/2025 5:00 PMEvent Alerts - Weekly
District Events
Lake Local Schools

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

01/03/2025 8:00 AMEvent Alerts - Daily
LMS Calendar
Lake Middle School

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

Here's what's happening today…

01/03/2025 8:00 AMEvent Alerts - Daily
District Events
Lake Local Schools
District Events
Lake Local Schools
01/03/2025 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Valentine's Day Party Tomorrow

Valentine's Day Party Tomorrow

Valentine's Day Party Tomorrow

02/13/2025 4:00 PMMrs. Sutter's 2nd Grade Class

Hello all!

Don't forget our Valentine's Day party is tomorrow, so please make sure you send in your child's box and any cards/treats they wish to pass out with them in the morning. We are also having a class treat, so if you signed up to bring any of the items in the sign up genius link below, please send them with your child in the morning!

Thank you all for your generosity for our class family!

Mrs. Sutter

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